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  5. When Logged in as an Administrator I’m Seeing an Error Page

When Logged in as an Administrator I’m Seeing an Error Page


When I'm logged in as an administrator and I go to preview protected content on my site, I'm redirected to an error page.

Answer 1 – Using The Preview Settings Bar

MemberMouse enables you to preview your site as different members with different access rights by using the preview settings bar. In order to view protected content, you need to make sure that the preview settings are configured to a membership level, bundle, or position in a drip content schedule that allow you to view the content, otherwise, you'll be redirected to an error page just like a normal visitor would if they didn't have sufficient access rights.

At this point, changing the Preview Menu Bar settings to the correct membership level or bundle and clicking “Save” simply refreshes the page you are on — and that is the Error Page.

To get out of this loop:

  1. Select the appropriate access in the Preview Menu Bar and click Save
  2. Go back to your WordPress editor (it should already be open in another tab)
  3. Copy the URL of the page you want to preview
  4. Paste the URL into the tab with the Preview Menu Bar and hit ‘return'. As long as the access is correct, the protected content will appear.

If you would like to learn more about using the Preview Settings Bar, please learn more here: Previewing Your Site as Different Members

Answer 2 – Disable The Preview Settings Bar

If you do not need to verify how your membership is configured and that your members are seeing the content as you intended, you have the option to deactivate the Preview Settings Bar. Deactivating this option will allow you to see all your pages normally as any administrator would and it will circumvent seeing the error page when viewing protected content. To disable this feature, please follow these directions: Show / Hide the Preview Settings Bar

PRO TIP — If you are busy designing your pages then it might be better to either save the Grant Access task until the very end or to create a test user that has full access and log in as that test user in a different browser. Then, you can edit in one browser and view the changes in another.
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