2.0.5 Release Notes

Installation/Upgrade Information

View this article for step-by-step instructions on upgrading MemberMouse.

  • Integrated with ClickBank as a new offsite payment method. Learn more.
  • Expanded custom fields to support different HTML field types such as drop downs, radio buttons, check boxes and text areas. These new field types can be utilized on checkout pages and free member webforms to collect data from the customer via text input fields, drop downs, radio buttons, check boxes or text areas. Learn more.
  • Enhanced the  Purchase_Link  SmartTag to be able to generate ClickBank purchase links. Learn more.
  • Implemented a new coupon type that allows you to use coupons to give something to customers for free. Learn more.
  • Added more fine-grained push notification options. Now you can create notifications for when members sign up for a specific membership level or specific bundle and create notifications if the status of a membership or bundle changes to a specific status. Learn more about member sign up notifications and bundle purchase notifications.
  • Added the ability to specify a default membership level or product to use on the MemberMouse checkout form when none is provided. Up until this point the default free membership level has been used, but it some cases you may not want customers to be able to sign up for the default free membership level. Now you can control that. Learn more.
  • Implemented a tool employees can use to login as a particular member. Learn more.
  • Implemented a tool employees can use to resend the welcome email. Learn more.
  • Expanded the data passed to push notification scripts and WordPress hooks when orders are placed to include affiliate and sub-affiliate data. Learn more about the data passed to push notification scripts and WordPress hooks.
  • Enhanced the Order_Data SmartTag to include access to affiliate and sub-affiliate data. This is useful if you're integrating with an affiliate management platform and need to pass this data to that platform from a MemberMouse confirmation page. Learn more.
  • Added a new checkout form field that allows you to require new customers to confirm their email address prior to submitting the form. Learn more.
  • Added the ability to hide the preview settings bar when viewing your website as an administrator. Learn more.
  • Moved test data configuration screen from Payment Settings > Payment Methods to Payment Settings > Test Data.
  • Bug fixes.
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